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History Notes for UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam 2024

History notes for UPSC


The understanding of historical research techniques and applicants’ knowledge with chronological events are highly valued in the history curriculum for the UPSC. Additionally, it is covered in General Studies Paper 1 of the IAS Exam. Give yourself enough time to revise History frequently. To make sure you retain the information, constantly review your notes, relevant dates, and key ideas.

History is a subject that calls for strong presentation abilities. To enhance your writing style, coherence, and clarity, practice answering questions frequently. Work on organising your responses, offering pertinent examples, and including historical nuances. Keep up with current events, especially those that pertain to history. To stay up to date on historical arguments, fresh interpretations of historical events, and latest archaeological findings, read newspapers, periodicals, and online sources.

UPSC History Syllabus

One of the most crucial topics for the UPSC Exam is history. Indian History is a relatively broad subject for the IAS, encompassing the following topics:

  • Ancient Indian History
  • Medieval Indian History
  • Modern Indian History

UPSC History Notes

One of the important topics that UPSC emphasises in both the Prelims and Mains exams is history. Understanding what happened in the past to shape the present and future requires a thorough understanding of history. The UPSC holds civil service examinations each year to choose candidates for various governments of India civil services. For these chosen individuals, studying Indian history is essential in order to understand the character of the past and the difficulties that India as a country may encounter.

Ancient India History

In the Prelims syllabus, ancient Indian history is given considerable weight. When we talk about ancient history, we mostly mean the time starting around 5000 years ago when humans first started keeping records and writing things down. Topics in ancient Indian history for the UPSC are mentioned below.

Medieval History

Delhi Sultanate (1206 AD – 1526 AD)

First Battle of Panipat

Second Battle of Panipat

Mughals (AD 1526 – AD 1857)

Modern History

Modern Indian history covers a wide range of topics related to the development of modern India, and events that happened in that period. Modern Indian history has changed a lot and had a big impact on the economy, and political system of our society. Some of the important History topics for UPSC from modern India are given below.

History UPSC Preparations

Understanding the UPSC History Syllabus will help you to clearly understand the subjects and subtopics you must discuss. Pay attention to the importance placed on various eras, themes, and study areas. Read the NCERT history textbooks for classes six through twelve to start your preparation. NCERT books offer a strong foundation and succinctly address fundamental ideas and subjects.

Take thorough notes while you are learning. Make a list of significant details, occasions, dates, and ideas. As the exam draws nearer, you can quickly review these notes to help you remember key points. Pay attention to the ideas, causes, and effects of historical events rather than memorising facts and dates. Create a comprehensive understanding of the topic by connecting various eras and concepts.

UPSC History Syllabus

One of the most crucial topics for the UPSC Exam is history. Indian history is a relatively broad subject for the IAS, encompassing the following topics:

  • Ancient Indian History
  • Medieval Indian History
  • Modern Indian History
Ancient History Medieval History Modern History
  • Prehistoric period and Indus Valley Civilization
  • Vedic period and the emergence of Jainism and Buddhism
  • Mauryan Empire and Ashoka’s reign
  • Gupta Empire and the golden age of India
  • Harshavardhana and his empire
  • Chola Empire and South Indian kingdoms
  • Delhi Sultanate and its rulers
  • Mughal Empire and its decline
  • Sufism and Bhakti movements
  • Regional kingdoms and their contribution
  • Indo-Islamic architecture and art
  • British rule in India and the freedom struggle
  • Revolt of 1857 and its impact
  • Partition of India and the formation of Pakistan
  • Nehruvian era and socialist policies
  • Indira Gandhi and the Emergency Period
  • Economic liberalization and globalization
  • World Wars and their Impact on India

Best Books for History Topics for UPSC

Without the appropriate reading materials, no preparation method for the Prelims history section will be successful. When it comes to selecting books for the history component of the Prelims, there are several alternatives. To finish them all, though, is impossible. When deciding on the proper book, it can get overwhelming for the applicants. The best books to cover history topics for UPSC Prelims are given here to make things easy.

  • India’s Ancient Past by R. S. Sharma
  • India’s Struggle For Independence by Bipan Chandra
  • History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra
  • Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
  • History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra


How should I start history for UPSC?

We can start history preparation by:
• Create a chronology for every period with the important events mentioned. ...
• Revise the entire syllabus at least two to three times in the entire time span.
• Solve previous year papers as well as IAS practice papers for History on a regular basis to have better preparation.

What is the basic concept of history UPSC?

History is the study of past events. It helps us to understand those processes that enabled the early humans to successfully conquer their environment and develop the present day civilizations. It is not just a study of battles and kings as is normally understood by some.

What is the main topic of history for UPSC?

The major ancient India History Topics for UPSC are Indus Valley Civilization, Sangam period, Buddhism, e.g., Sautrantika and Sammitiya sub-sects, Hinaya school, Jainism, and Post-Mauryan India.

Which part of history should I start with for UPSC?

The history section in the UPSC Syllabus is divided into three parts- Ancient India, Medieval India, and Modern India. These three sections carry a significant amount of weightage in both UPSC Prelims and Mains exams.

Is Ncert enough for UPSC history?

NCERTs help to understand the basic concepts. It is not advisable to skip NCERTs because they are very important for both prelims and the mains of the UPSC CSE.

Can I skip ancient history for UPSC?

Ancient History contributes at least 4 – 5 questions in the UPSC Prelims. Many aspirants ignore Ancient and medieval History(as they don't know UPSC Ancient History Syllabus and ignoring this subject ) and focus more on Modern History. In UPSC Mains, History is part of the General Studies Paper I syllabus.

Is NCERT enough for UPSC history?

NCERTs help to understand the basic concepts. It is not advisable to skip NCERTs because they are very important for both prelims and the mains of the UPSC CSE.

Which part of history is most important for UPSC?

The history section in the UPSC Syllabus is divided into three parts- Ancient India, Medieval India, and Modern India. These three sections carry a significant amount of weightage in both UPSC Prelims and Mains exams. Indian History, along with art and culture is considered the most important part of the UPSC exam.

Which history has more weightage in UPSC?

History of India can be divided into 3 sections – Ancient, Medieval and Modern. A significant weightage has been given to History over the years. Modern India is the most important section from the prelims perspective.

How to read Indian history easily?

If you can read the history textbooks like a story, it will not seem so scary. Be curious to know more about your own country's past and you will appreciate how the past has shaped the present. This will also help you remember things more. Always make notes in chronological order when you study history.