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Adjournment Motion Meaning, Purpose, Procedure & Limitations

Adjournment Motion

The Lok Sabha now has a procedure called an Adjournment Motion that can be used to bring up a pressing matter. It is a mechanism that suspends the House’s usual business in order to discuss and resolve a pressing issue of general concern. A majority of 50 members must support the motion to adjourn before it may be introduced. In this article aspirants will find complete detail about the Adjournment Motion for UPSC Preparation.

What is Adjournment Motion?

Adjournment Motion are considered an unusual practice because they adjourn the Lok Sabha’s regular sessions. Only the Lok Sabha and never the Rajya Sabha may move this kind of motion. The goal of the adjournment motion is to draw the House’s attention to a particular matter of urgent public interest, which must have the support of 50 members in order to be accepted.

It might be regarded as one of the most important instruments utilized in legislative procedures. The adjournment motion is a special procedure that, if adopted, results in the suspension of the House’s regular business so that a particular matter of paramount public importance can be considered. It is regarded as an outstanding tool because it obstructs the House’s regular business.

Adjournment Motion Purpose

It cannot be used in the Rajya Sabha since it is viewed as a rebuke of the government. Once the motion has been approved by the Lok Sabha, it may have an impact on currently scheduled meetings and become the subject of a lengthy discussion. However, following an adjournment motion, meetings cannot last longer than two hours and thirty minutes.

An Adjournment Motion’s main goal is to bring up a significant topic that has significant implications for the public and is of public concern. The fact that such a problem cannot wait for a thorough resolution with notice must be made clear.

The proposed issue must be connected, either directly or indirectly, to the Union Government’s default. It must refer to the Indian Government’s failure to carry out its obligations under the Indian Constitution. The Chair has the option to reject the adjournment motion without outlining the grounds for doing so.

Time for Discussion of Adjournment Motion

At 16.00, the motion is often discussed. Unless the debate is finished early, the discussion period cannot be shorter than two and a half hours.

The ability to decide whether to adjourn the House for the day rests with the House during the discussion of the motion; hence the Speaker is not permitted to do so. Additionally, notwithstanding a request to that effect, the Speaker is not permitted to move the voting until the following session. Before the House adjourns, the motion must be decided.

Adjournment Motion Procedure

The following details the notice process for an adjournment motion;

  • A member may only submit one notice; all copies of the notice must be delivered to the Parliamentary Notice Office.
  • If a notice has more than one signature, the first signatory is considered to have given it.
  • A vote is taken to confirm the order in which notices presented regarding the same topic were received.
  • Written notices are the only ones that are accepted.
  • Fifty members must support the problematic topic.
  • Before deciding whether to approve or deny such a meeting, the Lok Sabha Speaker may read or hear the notice and request a brief comment on the subject.

An interruption this first-of-its-kind motion gives Lok Sabha members the authority to give priority to matters that call for swift action. Moving an item to debate violates the Parliament’s order of business and grants members a constitutional right to criticize the Central Government’s handling of the problem.

Adjournment Motion Limitations

The issue brought up must be strictly urgent, factual, clear, and of general interest. It ought to be concentrated on the suggested subject. The meeting shouldn’t discuss anything else. The topic under discussion ought to have just occurred. No such item, which has previously been discussed in earlier sessions, may be moved in. It is not permitted to bring up any privileged issues.

It cannot be utilized to discuss any issues already up for adjudication by the court. Such a matter cannot be debated in an adjournment motion, but it may be brought up in any other motion.

Adjournment Motion FAQs

Q) What is the motion to adjourn?

Ans. A move to adjourn to a specific day sets the timing for the following meeting. For either House to adjourn for more than three days, the Constitution requires both Houses to approve a concurrent resolution.

Q) What is Parliament adjournment?

Ans. An adjournment concludes a meeting according to parliamentary protocol. A motion to adjourn could be used to accomplish that. The motion to fix the hour to which the meeting shall adjourn may be used to fix a time for another meeting.

Q) Who can introduce an adjournment motion?

Ans. Only in the Lok Sabha can an adjournment motion be moved. It is introduced in the Lok Sabha to bring the House’s attention to a specific issue of immediate public interest.

Q) How many kinds of motion are there in parliament?

Ans. The members’ motions to bring up diverse topics for discussion can be divided into three groups. Substantive motion, substitution motion, and subsidiary motion are all of them.

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What is the motion to adjourn?

A move to adjourn to a specific day sets the timing for the following meeting. For either House to adjourn for more than three days, the Constitution requires both Houses to approve a concurrent resolution.

What is Parliament adjournment?

An adjournment concludes a meeting according to parliamentary protocol. A motion to adjourn could be used to accomplish that. The motion to fix the hour to which the meeting shall adjourn may be used to fix a time for another meeting.

Who can introduce an adjournment motion?

Only in the Lok Sabha can an adjournment motion be moved. It is introduced in the Lok Sabha to bring the House's attention to a specific issue of immediate public interest.

How many kinds of motion are there in parliament?

The members' motions to bring up diverse topics for discussion can be divided into three groups. Substantive motion, substitution motion, and subsidiary motion are all of them.

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