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Difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha with their Functions

Difference Between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha : India is the Federation’s state represented in the Rajya Sabha, while the Lok Sabha speaks for all India’s citizens. As per the Indian constitution, the parliament is bicameral, consisting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Rajya Sabha provides a federal balance of powers by representing the interest of states and preventing excessive power to the centre. Differences between Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha are the number of members, power, election, chairman of the house, passing of bills and more.

Difference Between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

Rajya Sabha is the Upper House of Parliament, and Lok Sabha is the Lower House. According to Articles 79–122, the President, Lok Sabha, and Rajya Sabha make up the Indian Parliament. Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha are referred to as the House of People. Members of the Lok Sabha are chosen directly through adult suffrage, making it a real reflection of Indian society. The Difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha is an important part of Indian Polity which an important subject in UPSC Syllabus 2024.

Comparison Between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

India’s Parliament is a bicameral body of government. In 1954, the names “Lok Sabha” and “Rajya Sabha” were introduced in Indian politics. Articles 79 to 122 of the Indian Constitution are covered by the provisions of the Indian Parliament. As examples of how the two houses of parliament differ from one another, consider the following.  Below given is the table to show the lok sabha and rajya sabha difference.

Difference between Loksabha and Rajyasabha
Difference Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
What it is called? House of People Council of States
What is the meaning of the name? House of People, where people who are qualified to vote can elect their representative by way of direct elections. Council of States, where the representatives are indirectly elected by the elected representative of the Assemblies of States and Union Territories.
What is the tenure of the house? It continues for 5 years

Note: It can be dissolved earlier by passing a no-confidence motion

It is a permanent body.
Who heads the house? Speaker Vice President of India as the Chairman of the house
What is the minimum age to become a member? 25 years 30 years
What is the strength of the house? 552 members 250 members
What are the functions of the house? All bills originate in Lok Sabha mostly and after passing through Rajya Sabha, they are returned for Lok Sabha approval. It plays a major role in legislation. Rajya Sabha has special powers to protect the states’ rights against the Union.

Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

Ordinary legislation may be introduced and approved by both houses. Each chamber separately must pass a constitutional amendment bill with a special majority. In many ways, the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have equivalent powers and functions. Important Indian legislative bodies with a variety of duties include Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The following are some areas where Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha have equal authority:

  • Bills related to the Consolidated Fund of India.
  • Recommending to the President the removal of the Chief Justice, judges of the Supreme Court and high courts, the chief election commissioner, and the CAG.
  • Adoption of laws; declaration of an emergency; expansion of the Supreme Court’s and the Union Public Service Commission‘s purview.

Whats is Lok Sabha?

In the study of Indian politics, the Lok Sabha is referred to as the House of the People. By passing the bills here, it plays a significant part in establishing the laws in India. India held its seventeenth Lok Sabha general election in 2019. Every five years, the Lok Sabha has its general election. Its principal responsibility is to make sure the government operates transparently. Here it is mentioned that the Lok Sabha plays a bigger part in making budgetary decisions.

Lok Sabha Functions

The Lok Sabha has several duties to carry out, including adopting money bills for financial control and electing its own speaker to run the house’s operations. It also has to pass laws.

  • Legislature  By moving bills through the house, Lok Sabha has the authority to enact new laws for the country. The Act also repeals and modifies current laws. If a measure is approved by the members of the parliamentary house with a 2/3rd majority, it will become law and be in effect for one year in cases of emergencies or unusual circumstances. According to Article 108 of the Indian Constitution, the President of India may convene a joint session if there is no agreement reached on the most crucial matter among the respective houses. The speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over the combined session of Parliament, and the Lok Sabha acts more powerfully than the Rajya Sabha in terms of legislating the laws.  
  • Financial Matters  The Lok Sabha’s members always take the initiative on money bills. Nearly all measures can be approved by both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on an equal basis, but only the Money Bill gives the Lok Sabha the upper hand over the Rajya Sabha. A measure that has been introduced and approved by the Lok Sabha is subsequently referred to the Rajya Sabha for approval and recommendations. The minimum amount of time required for the recommendations to be forwarded from the Rajya Sabha to the Lok Sabha is 14 days. There is no obligation for the Lok Sabha to concur with the Rajya Sabha’s suggestions.
  • Elections and Composition  The Lok Sabha must consist of no more than 530 members from the territorial constituencies of the States of India and no more than twenty members from the territorial constituencies of Union territories, according to Article 81 of the Indian Constitution. The Speaker of the House of People, who leads the proceedings, is also chosen by the House of People.
  • Public Powers  The Lok Sabha’s members are normally elected representatives with the authority to debate and discuss various issues of common concern. Discussions in the Parliamentary House may centre on issues like money, government spending, etc. The parliamentary debates and discussions serve as a check on Indian politics.

What is Rajya Sabha?

In the study of Indian politics, the Rajya Sabha is regarded as the Council of States. It is crucial to India’s establishment of a bicameral legislature. In response to the Central Legislature, it defends the rights of the Indian states. The Council of states is the parliament’s permanent house and is never subject to dissolution. The term of office for members of the Rajya Sabha is six years, unlike the general election for the Lok Sabha. 1/3 of the Rajya Sabha members leave the house every two years.

Rajya Sabha Function

  • Legislative Powers The Rajya Sabha has the same authority as the Lok Sabha to pass regular laws (other than money bills). In addition, a bill cannot become law until both Houses have approved it.
  • Financial Powers When compared to the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha has less influence over finances. If the Rajya Sabha does not pass a Money Bill within 14 days of receiving it for consideration, the bill is deemed to have been approved by Parliament. Rajya Sabha’s carelessness is irrelevant in this situation. The final decision about whether to accept or reject the proposed amendment rests solely with the Lok Sabha, even if Rajya Sabha delivers the bill to Lok Sabha with certain modifications.
  • Executive Powers The Lok Sabha, not the Rajya Sabha, is the Council of Ministers’ collective accountability body, according to Article 75(3) of the Indian Constitution. The Rajya Sabha has some control over the ministers even if it cannot disband the Council of Ministers. It includes critiquing their practises, raising new issues, and introducing adjournment motions. The Rajya Sabha may also provide some of the ministers. Now, the Prime Minister might also originate from the Rajya Sabha if the majority party in the Lok Sabha selects or elects a member as its leader.

Difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha UPSC

The main Indian legislative bodies Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha serve a variety of purposes. For the diverse states and union territories to operate effectively, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are necessary. Bicameralism allows each of the two houses to analyse the other’s decisions, confirm those decisions, and prevent errors. While the Lok Sabha is more powerful because its members are directly elected by the public and are thus seen as the direct representatives of the State, the (Rajya Sabha) Upper House maintains the federal equilibrium by defending the interests of states against excessive interference from the centre. Students can read all the details related to UPSC by visiting the official website of StudyIQ UPSC Online Coaching.

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Difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha FAQs

Which is powerful Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha?

The Lok Sabha has more powers than the Rajya Sabha since it is a directly elected body.

What is a Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?

Legislature of the Union, which is called Parliament, consists of the President and two Houses, known as Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and House of the People (Lok Sabha). Each House has to meet within six months of its previous sitting.

What is the function of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?

Rajya sabha is about protecting the several rights of the state, Lok sabha is about passing the bills and laws for the smooth running of the country.

What is the main power of Rajya Sabha?

In the Indian federal structure, the Rajya Sabha is a representative of the states in the union legislature (hence the name, Council of States).

Why is Lok Sabha called lower house?

A lower house is one of two chambers of a bicameral legislature, the other chamber being the upper house.

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