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Types of Farming in India, Factors, Importance and Challenges

Types of Farming in India has been discuss in article which is an Important topic for UPSC Civil Service Exam 2024. We have discuss the Types of Farming in India and its Importance, factors and List Different types of Farming. There Four Types of Agriculture: Pastoralism, Shifting Cultivation, Subsistence Farming, Intensive Farming.

Types of Farming in India 

Agriculture has been a crucial part of India for a very long time. The different ways of farming have developed across the country due to its varying landscapes and weather. From the flat fields in Punjab that get lots of sun to the stepped paddy fields in Kerala with lots of rain, each region has its own style of farming. This article will take a look at the different types of farming in India.

Factors Affecting Farming in India

Farming practices in India are influenced by a multitude of factors that shape how agriculture is carried out across the country. Some of the key factors include:

  • Climate and Geography: India’s diverse climate and geography play a significant role in determining the types of crops that can be grown and the timing of planting and harvesting. Regions with different amounts of rainfall, temperature ranges, and soil types influence the choice of crops and farming techniques.
  • Monsoons: The annual monsoon rains are a vital factor for farming in India. The timing, distribution, and intensity of the monsoons affect water availability for irrigation and the success of crops.
  • Soil Type and Fertility: Different soil types have varying levels of fertility and drainage capabilities. Farming practices need to adapt accordingly to suit the specific soil conditions of each region.
  • Water Availability: The availability of water for irrigation is a critical factor. Areas with ample water resources can support water-intensive crops, while regions facing water scarcity must focus on drought-resistant crops and efficient irrigation methods.
  • Technological Advancements: Access to modern agricultural technology, machinery, and tools can greatly impact farming practices. Advanced techniques can enhance productivity and reduce labour requirements.
  • Land Holdings: The size and ownership of land holdings influence the choice of crops and farming methods. Small landholdings often lead to subsistence farming, while larger holdings may allow for mechanization and specialization.
  • Cultural Practices: Traditional knowledge, customs, and cultural practices can affect crop choices and farming techniques. Certain regions have specific practices deeply rooted in their cultural heritage.
  • Market Demand: The demand for various crops, both domestically and internationally, can guide farmers’ decisions on what to cultivate. Market trends and prices influence crop selection.
  • Government Policies: Agricultural policies, subsidies, and regulations set by the government can impact farming practices. Support for certain crops, price controls, and incentives for adopting sustainable practices all play a role.
  • Education and Awareness: Farmers’ knowledge about modern and sustainable farming practices, as well as awareness of environmental issues, can shape their decisions on how to cultivate their land.

Read More: Extensive Farming

List of Different Types of Farming in India 

This table will help us learn about these farming types and why they matter for food, money, and traditions in India.

Type Prominent Region Benefits Challenges
Subsistence Farming North-Eastern States, hilly regions Sustains livelihoods by providing food and income for local families. Limited access to modern technology hampers productivity and income growth. For instance, in hilly regions like Meghalaya, despite its rich agro-biodiversity, low agricultural mechanization affects efficiency.
Intensive Farming Punjab, Haryana High crop yields meet the food demands of a growing population. Contributes to 18% of India’s agricultural GDP (2019). Overuse of resources like water and chemicals leads to soil degradation and health concerns. The Green Revolution in Punjab resulted in soil salinity and waterlogging issues, impacting long-term sustainability.
Commercial Farming Western India, Maharashtra Generates income for farmers and contributes to economic growth. Maharashtra’s sugarcane cultivation supports a major industry. Soil degradation due to monoculture and excessive chemical use threatens long-term fertility. In Vidarbha, cotton farming led to high pesticide use and farmer suicides due to debt.
Organic Farming Uttarakhand, Sikkim Produces environmentally friendly and premium quality products. India is among the world’s top organic producers (2019). Lower yields compared to conventional farming challenge meeting rising food demands. For example, organic paddy yield is lower than conventional in Sikkim due to pest pressures.
Dryland Farming Rajasthan, Gujarat Suited for arid regions, conserves water resources and prevents soil erosion. Vulnerable to climate change impacts, with droughts affecting production. For instance, Rajasthan faced a major drought in 2003, causing crop losses and distress migration.
Plantation Farming Kerala, Karnataka Major foreign exchange earnings through the export of cash crops like tea and coffee. Monoculture risks, such as susceptibility to diseases and market price fluctuations. For instance, coffee rust severely affected plantations in Karnataka in 2012-13.
Mixed Farming Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu Risk diversification ensures stability against crop failures. Integration of livestock and aquaculture improves nutrient cycling. Complex management of different crops and livestock requires diverse skills. For example, integrated farming systems in Tamil Nadu require expertise in both agriculture and animal husbandry.
Dairy Farming Punjab, Uttar Pradesh Provides livelihoods for the rural population, contributes to nutrition. India is the world’s largest milk producer (2020). Animal health concerns and dependency on external inputs like fodder can impact profitability. Punjab faces issues of depleting groundwater affecting dairying sustainability.
Poultry Farming Maharashtra, Telangana Supplies of affordable protein generate employment. India ranks among the top poultry producers. Disease outbreaks like avian influenza pose significant economic risks. For instance, the bird flu outbreak in Maharashtra in 2006 resulted in massive culling and economic losses.
Sericulture Karnataka, West Bengal Valuable silk production provides employment in rural areas. Seasonal labour demands and susceptibility of silkworms to diseases. Karnataka experienced a significant reduction in cocoon production due to disease outbreaks in recent years.
Nomadic Farming Arid and semi-arid regions Preserves traditional pastoral lifestyles, and contributes to food security. Vulnerable to changing ecosystems, conflicts with settled communities, and land disputes. The nomadic tribes of Rajasthan face challenges in accessing grazing lands and water sources due to urbanization and land-use changes.
Shifting Agriculture North-Eastern States, tribal regions Maintains biodiversity in forests, and supports tribal communities. Soil degradation and deforestation risks due to short fallow periods. In Nagaland, shifting cultivation led to deforestation, impacting wildlife habitats and water catchment areas.

Read about: Sedentary Farming

Importance of Farming in India 

Farming is really important in India because it provides food for millions of people and is a big part of the country’s economy. Many people in India work on farms, growing crops and raising animals. In fact, about 44% of all the jobs in India are in farming. Farming also helps the economy by contributing a significant amount of money. Around 18% of India’s total economic output, which is like all the money the country makes, comes from farming. This means that farming is a major part of how the country earns money and grows financially. India is also a big producer of certain crops. For example, it’s the largest producer of milk in the world. Every year, India produces millions of tons of milk, which is used to make different products like butter, cheese, and yoghurt. This helps people have enough to eat and also creates jobs for those involved in processing these products. Farming isn’t just about growing food; it’s also about traditions and culture. Different regions have their own unique ways of farming that have been passed down through generations. This connects people to their history and helps preserve cultural practices. In recent times, modern technology has also become important in farming. New tools and techniques help farmers grow more crops and get better quality products. This is crucial because India has a huge population to feed. With over 1.3 billion people, it’s one of the most populated countries in the world. So, farming plays a big role in making sure everyone has enough to eat.

Read about: Unemployment Rate in India

Types of Farming in India UPSC 

Understanding the various types of farming in India is crucial for UPSC aspirants as it aligns with the UPSC Syllabus 2024, particularly the section on Indian agriculture. This topic holds significance because it covers a broad range of geographical, economic, and cultural aspects, which are frequently tested in UPSC exams. Gaining insight into these farming types through UPSC Online Coaching and practising with UPSC Mock Test not only aids in answering questions related to agriculture and geography but also enhances the candidate’s holistic understanding of India’s diverse agrarian landscape, a key component of the UPSC exam’s focus.

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Types of Farming in India FAQs

Which type of farming is famous in India?

Mixed farming is a famous type of farming in India.

Which state has richest farmers in India?

Punjab is the state with the richest farmers in India.

Which farming is very profitable?

Dairy farming is very profitable in India.

What are the 5 types of farming in India?

The five types of farming in India are subsistence farming, intensive farming, commercial farming, organic farming, and mixed farming.

About the Author

I, Sakshi Gupta, am a content writer to empower students aiming for UPSC, PSC, and other competitive exams. My objective is to provide clear, concise, and informative content that caters to your exam preparation needs. I strive to make my content not only informative but also engaging, keeping you motivated throughout your journey!


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