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The frequency of landslides appears to have increased in the recent past. In light of the statement, identify the landslide prone regions of India and discuss the extent of their vulnerability.

Q) “The frequency of landslides appears to have increased in the recent past. In light of the statement, identify the landslide prone regions of India and discuss the extent of their vulnerability. (15 marks, 250 words)

ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि हाल के दिनों में भूस्खलन की आवृत्ति बढ़ी है। कथन के आलोक में, भारत के भूस्खलन प्रवण क्षेत्रों की पहचान करें और उनकी संवेदनशीलता की सीमा पर चर्चा करें।”

Demand of the Question– This question demands understanding of the geophysical phenomenon of landslides, map of threat area, its origins, implication and mitigation.

Directive Word– The first part, though without any keywords demands establishing of the facts, with reasons and causes. Identify- This requires marking on a mark the required areas. Discuss- this requires mentioning of the vulnerabilities, write about the reasons for the same and the ways to mitigate them.

Structure of the Answer

Intro– Describe the phenomena of landslides. And draw a map indicating risk zones in India.

Body– In the first part, provide recent incidences of landslides, along with reasons why they are increasing with time. In the second part, describe the landslide prone zones of India, using Zonal Maps of the Landslide risks. In the next part, mention the possible threats, and vulnerabilities of landslides in the regions, and their possible implications. In the last section, mention the NDMA guidelines to mitigate vulnerabilities.

Conclusion– State the urgency of mitigating landslides. Suggest some measures for the same.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 1- Important Geophysical phenomenon & GS Paper 3- Disaster and disaster management.

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