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Why is the South-West Monsoon called ‘Purvaiya” (easterly) in Bhojpur region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region.

Q7. Why is the South-West Monsoon called ‘Purvaiya” (easterly) in Bhojpur region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region. – Geography

दक्षिण-पश्चिम मानसून भोजपुर क्षेत्र में ‘पुरवैया’ (पूर्वी) क्यों कहलाता है? इस दिशापरक मौसमी पवन प्रणाली ने क्षेत्र के सांस्कृतिक लोकाचार को कैसे प्रभावित किया है?


  1. Begin by briefly introducing the Bhojpur region with its locational significance in eastern India. You can add map also.
  1. Mention about the south west monsoon for the Bhojpur region.


Why South-West Monsoon is known as Purvaiya in the Bhojpur Region

Origin and Characteristics of the South West Monsoon in Bhojpur: 

  • The South West Monsoon is characterized by moisture-laden winds that blow from the southwest over the Indian Ocean.
  • In Bhojpur, during the monsoon season, the prevailing winds indeed blow from East of Bhojpuri region, though we call it South-West Monsoon,

How has this wind system has influenced the culture in the region?

  • Agriculture – Primary Economic Activity in the region.

E.g.: Farmers in Bhojpur eagerly anticipate the arrival of the monsoon, as it is the lifeline of their agriculture, impacting crops like rice, sugarcane, and jute.

  • Cultural Significance: Arrival of Monsoon is celebrated through festivals and rituals.

E.g. Harbinger of the monsoon season, Madhushravani is celebrated all over Mithilanchal in August (Sawan) by worshipping the Snake God Vishahara and the family Goddess Gosaun.

  • Traditional Practices and Cuisine:

 People prepare dishes like pakoras (deep-fried snacks) and hot beverages to enjoy during the monsoon.

Example: The popularity of “ghugni,” a hot and spicy snack made from dried peas, increases during the monsoon season as it provides comfort during rainy days.

  1. Dance: Ex. Kajari is a folk song and dance genre of India. It is a Hindustani classical music genre, performed during the rainy season usually late June to September when lush greenery reappears and agricultural labour begins again.


Summarise the above content. You can conclude by saying that Purvaiya and respective cultural traditions show how environmental factors influence the cultural tradition of the region (Determinism philosophy). The monsoon’s arrival is not merely meteorological but a cultural event that shapes the identity and practices of the people in the Bhojpur region.


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