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Natural Resources, Definition, Types, Examples & Importance

Natural Resources

Natural Resources are the resources that are created naturally from materials found in the environment. Air, water, sunlight, soil, rock, plants, animals, and fossil fuels are examples of natural resources. Natural resources are materials that come from the earth, including food, textiles, metals, water, fertilisers, and geothermal energy. Natural resources are things that happen naturally and are beneficial to people or might be useful in the future under possible social, economic, or technological conditions. The natural sciences have historically had a monopoly on the study of natural resources.

Natural resources are things that occur naturally and are essential for human survival and development. The natural sciences have long dealt with natural resources. These are naturally discovered or created environmental resources. Natural resources include, among other things, air, sunlight, water, soil, rock, plants, animals, and fossil fuels. You will learn about India’s natural resources in this article, which will help you with your geography study for the UPSC Civil Service exam.

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What are Natural Resources?

Resources classified as natural exist when no human activity is present. This includes sources of value like utility for business and industry, aesthetic value, scientific interest, and cultural value.

It includes everything on Earth, including the sun, the atmosphere, the oceans, the land, and all the minerals, plants, and animals. Natural resources are things that happen to exist and are regarded as valuable in their original form. The amount available and the demand for it determine its value.

Natural Resources Types

Depending on their place of origin, natural resources can be grouped in many different ways.

  • Biotic Resources
  • Abiotic Resources

A biotic resource is any biological component of the environment. Forests and forest products, crops, birds, animals, fish, and other marine life are examples of biotic resources. These resources are renewable because they replenish and reproduce themselves. Although they are biological resources, coal and mineral oil cannot be replenished.

Abiotic resources are any environmental components that are not biological. Land, water, air, and minerals like iron, copper, gold, and silver are examples of abiotic resources. They are limited and non-renewable since they cannot be reproduced or regenerated. Based on their rate of recovery, natural resources can be divided into the following groups:

  • Non-Conventional
  • Conventional

There are two categories of natural resources depending on availability:

  • Renewable resources are those that are perpetually available and can be utilised in a variety of ways. Examples include a forest, wind, and water.
  • Non-renewable resources are those whose supply is finite owing to their non-renewable nature and whose availability might diminish in the future. Minerals and fossil fuels are a few examples.
Resource Type Examples Renewability
Biotic Resources Forests, crops, birds, animals, fish, marine life Renewable
Abiotic Resources Land, water, air, minerals (iron, copper, gold, silver) Non-renewable
Non-Conventional Resources Wind, solar, geothermal energy Renewable
Conventional Resources Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), minerals Non-renewable

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Natural Resources Examples

The following are the Top 5 Natural Resources such as:

Type Details
Air For all plants, animals, and humans to exist in our world, the air they breathe must be clean. Therefore, action must be taken to lower air pollution.
Water Only 2% of the water on Earth, which covers 70% of the planet, is fresh water. It is important to take steps to educate the public and control water use.
Soil Different particles and nutrients make up soil. It promotes plant growth.
Iron Silica is a mineral that contains iron, which is utilised to make powerful weapons, vehicles, and construction materials.
Forests Forests maintain the world’s environment and offer clean air. Trees are taken down for housing and building projects.

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Natural Resources Importance

Natural resources are of great importance to human societies for many reasons. Here are some key reasons why natural resources are important:

  • Economic Importance: Many natural resources are essential for economic development. For example, minerals and fossil fuels are crucial for industry and transportation, and timber is important for the construction of buildings and furniture. Agriculture is also dependent on natural resources, such as water and fertile soil, which are used to grow crops.
  • Energy Production: Natural resources are also used to generate energy. Fossil fuels, for example, are burned to produce electricity, while wind and solar energy are harnessed to generate clean energy.
  • Environmental Importance: Natural resources are important for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and providing habitats for wildlife. Forests, for example, are home to many plant and animal species, and they also help to prevent soil erosion and regulate the climate.
  • Social Importance: Natural resources can provide a source of livelihood for many people. For example, fishing and forestry provide jobs and income for many communities around the world.
  • Cultural Importance: Natural resources also have cultural significance for many societies. For example, indigenous cultures often have a deep connection to the land and rely on natural resources for their traditional way of life.

Natural Resources UPSC

Natural resources are things that occur naturally and are essential for human survival and development. The natural sciences have long dealt with natural resources. These are environmental resources that have been found or developed naturally. Natural resources include, among other things, air, sunlight, water, soil, rock, plants, animals, and fossil fuels. You will learn about India’s natural resources in this article, which will help you study geography for the UPSC Civil Service exam.

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What are the 10 natural resources?

Stone, sand, metals, oil, coal, and natural gas are examples of natural resources. Air, sunlight, soil, and water are examples of other natural resources. Plants, fish, birds, and animals are all examples of natural resources. Food, fuel, and raw materials for the manufacture of commodities are all made with the help of natural resources.

What natural resources mean?

We employ natural resources as our primary energy and raw material sources. Natural resources include petroleum, metals, sand, soil, wind, water, and everything else.

What are the 5 types of natural resources?

Natural resources include things like stone, sand, metals, coal, oil, and natural gas.

What is the most important natural resource?

One of the most significant natural resources that emerge from forests is water. Natural land regions benefit from the nutrients, water, oxygen, and heat provided by the soil. The third essential resource for people, animals, plants, and all other living things in a natural environment is air.

Why natural resources are important?

Human welfare depends heavily on natural resources. Without the clean air we breathe, the vegetation we eat, or the freshwater we drink, we cannot survive. We need natural resources in order to construct homes with heat and roofs over our heads. For us to live and prosper, they are essential.


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