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Israel Hezbollah Conflict, Origins, Historical Context, Impact


  • The conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has intensified after more than eight months of fighting, initially triggered by the Gaza war.
  • The situation is on the brink of a potentially larger confrontation, with both sides signalling readiness for escalation.

Origins of the Israel Hezbollah Conflict

  • The recent exchange of fire began on October 8, following an attack by Hamas in southern Israel, which led to the Gaza war.
  • Hezbollah, aligning with Hamas, initiated attacks to support Palestinians under attack in Gaza.
  • The conflict is seen as part of a broader regional spillover involving Iran-backed militants, with Hezbollah considered the most potent force in the Iran-backed “Axis of Resistance.

Israel Hezbollah Conflict, Origins, Historical Context, Impact_4.1

About Hezbollah
  • About: Hezbollah is a Shiite Islamic militant organisation based in Lebanon.
  • Founded by: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in 1982
  • Origins:
    • Emerged during Lebanon’s civil war (1975-1990)
    • Reaction to Palestinian presence and marginalisation of Shiites
    • Inspired by Iran’s 1979 revolution and Shiite ideology
  • Founding and Support:
    • Funded and trained by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
    • Gained reputation for militancy and attacks on foreign targets (e.g., 1983 Beirut bombing)
  • 1985 manifesto:
    • Expel Western powers from Lebanon
    • Destroy Israel
    • Pledge allegiance to Iran’s supreme leader
    • Advocate for Iran-inspired Islamist regime (with Lebanese self-determination)
  • Role:
    • Became a vital asset for Iran in the Middle East
    • Bridged Shiite Arab-Persian divides
    • Established itself as a major political force in Lebanon

Historical Context

Israel and Hezbollah have a history of conflicts, including a major war in 2006.

  • In the 2006 conflict, Israeli airstrikes devastated large sections of the Hezbollah-dominated southern suburbs of Beirut, disabled Beirut airport, and damaged various infrastructures like roads and bridges. This led nearly one million Lebanese to evacuate their homes.
  • In Israel, the conflict resulted in 300,000 people evacuating to avoid Hezbollah rocket attacks, and approximately 2,000 homes were destroyed.
  • Moreover, Hezbollah’s current arsenal is substantially larger than it was in 2006, now including rockets capable of reaching any location in Israel.
  • Since October, Hezbollah has shown advancements in its military capabilities, successfully downing Israeli drones, deploying explosive drones into Israel, and using more advanced guided missiles.
  • Historically, Israeli forces have conducted several invasions into Lebanon, including a significant invasion in 1982 aimed at dismantling Palestinian guerrilla groups based there.
  • Israel views Hezbollah as a significant threat due to its arsenal and influence in Syria.
  • Hezbollah, founded in 1982 to oppose Israeli forces in Lebanon, aims to see Israel dismantled, considering it an illegitimate state on occupied Palestinian territories.

Impact of the Conflict

The ongoing conflict has resulted in significant casualties and displacement:

  • Israeli airstrikes in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley have killed about 300 Hezbollah fighters and around 80 civilians.
  • Attacks from Lebanon have resulted in the deaths of 18 Israeli soldiers and 10 civilians.
  • Tens of thousands have fled their homes on both sides of the border.

Potential for Escalation

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned of severe actions, including a potential transformation of Beirut into a conflict zone similar to Gaza.
  • Hezbollah’s deputy leader, Sheikh Naim Qassem, indicated that while Hezbollah is not seeking an expanded conflict, it is prepared for any war imposed on it, threatening significant retaliation against Israel.

Diplomatic Efforts

  • The U.S. and France are actively seeking to de-escalate tensions. U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller and Amos Hochstein, a key U.S. diplomat, have been involved in diplomatic efforts, including past successful negotiations over maritime boundaries between Lebanon and Israel.
  • A French proposal involves Hezbollah withdrawing from the frontier and starting negotiations over land disputes.


  • Despite the threat of escalation, there are ongoing international efforts to mediate and possibly de-escalate the situation, with both diplomatic and military strategies being considered by the involved parties.

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I, Sakshi Gupta, am a content writer to empower students aiming for UPSC, PSC, and other competitive exams. My objective is to provide clear, concise, and informative content that caters to your exam preparation needs. I strive to make my content not only informative but also engaging, keeping you motivated throughout your journey!

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