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StudyIQ Abhyaas: Daily Answer Writing Practice 25 September 2023

Q) “The presiding officers of Parliament are the key to securing the effectiveness of the institution. In light of the statement, discuss the role of Speaker of Lok Sabha in securing effectiveness of the house. (10 marks, 150 words)

संसद के पीठासीन अधिकारी संस्था की प्रभावशीलता को सुनिश्चित करने का निर्धारक हैं। कथन के प्रकाश में, सदन की प्रभावशीलता सुनिश्चित करने में लोकसभा अध्यक्ष की भूमिका पर चर्चा करें।”

Demand of the Question-This question demands understanding of functioning of Parliament, role of Presiding Officer (PO) and Office of Presiding Officer, and in particular powers, functions and role of Speaker in Lok Sabha.

Directive Word– The first part although has no keyword, it demands establishing the fact though reasons. DIscuss- This keyword demands mentioning powers and functions of Speakers in maintaining its effectiveness, writing about its importance and threat to its Office, while also mentioning suggestions to protect it.

Structure of the Answer

Intro– Describe the Office of PO and also Speaker of Lok Sabha. Mention articles which establish these Offices.

Body– In the first part, mention the powers and functions of PO, with specifics of Speaker in detail, along with articles, and Acts governing its functioning and roles. In the second part, mention how above powers and functions ensure effectiveness of Parliament in terms of functioning, efficiency, quorum, etc. In the last part, mention what is the importance of such an office in Parliament. Along with this, mention about what are threats to the Office of PO, especially Speaker, and how power can be misused.

Conclusion– Conclude by stating the importance of the Speaker, along with suggestions to protect the Office from misuse, undue influence and biasness.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 2- Separation of powers between various organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions & Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies.


Q) “Parliamentary system is based on the accountability of the executive towards the legislature. What are the methods of Parliamentary control over the executive?(10 marks, 150 words)

संसदीय प्रणाली विधायिका के प्रति कार्यपालिका की जवाबदेही पर आधारित है। कार्यपालिका पर संसदीय नियंत्रण की कौन-सी विधियाँ हैं?”

Demand of the Question– The question demands core understanding of the separation of powers and functions as a basis of the Constitution, Indian Polity as Parliamentary system and working of three organs (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary).

Directive Word– The first part although has no keyword, it demands establishing the fact though reasons. What- This demands listing, along with reasons, of methods, provisions and powers to establish the Executive is Responsible to the Legislature.

Structure of the Answer

Intro– Start by describing features of Parliamentary form of polity of India, mention articles which establishes Parliament.

Body– Mention what are the ways through which Legislature establishes accountability of the executives. Mention reasons and articles to concertize the points. In a small section, mention what are the limitations and corner cases where the executives fail/misuses the power and are unable to be responsible to the Legislature.

Conclusion– State the importance of this doctrine in words of some legal/Constitutional luminary, and suggest ways to protect separation of powers and ways to enhance accountability.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper- 2- Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.


Q) Enumerating major inter-state water disputes in India, discuss various mechanisms in place for its resolution. (10 marks, 150 words)

भारत में प्रमुख अंतर-राज्यीय जल विवादों की गणना करते हुए, इसके समाधान के लिए मौजूद विभिन्न तंत्रों पर चर्चा करें।

Demand of the Question– This question demands understanding of Inter-State Water Disputes, provisions for its redressal, Tribunal, and successes/failures of its implementation. Also, this involves understanding the role of federal structure in resolution of such disputes.

Directive Word– Enumerate- This keywords demands describing the major disputes. Discuss- This demands mentioning the provisions of redressal and its pros and cons.

Structure of the Answer

Intro– Describe what is an Inter-state water dispute.

Body– In the first part, mention major Inter-state water disputes, and give reasons for their origin. Use a map to display more in less space. In the second part, describe available provisions for dispute resolution, role of tribunals and Supreme Court in the same. In the next part, mention advantages and disadvantages of such provisions. And while mentioning these pros and cons, state examples of success and failed resolution of disputes.

Conclusion– State the urgency of why and how these disputes are bound to rise in future, use data of water shortage from credible sources. Suggest ways to strengthen these redressal measures.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 2- Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.

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