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Case Study of the Day: Social Media for Social Good: Raising Awareness of Jordan’s Water Crisis


  • A social media campaign successfully raised awareness of Jordan’s water crisis, highlighting the power of social media in driving social change.
  • The campaign aimed to educate the public, mobilize support, and encourage collective action to address the water scarcity issues faced by the people of Jordan.


  • Jordan, a water-scarce country located in the Middle East, has long been grappling with a severe water crisis.
  • The nation faces limited natural water resources, increasing population growth, and the strain of accommodating a large number of refugees.
  • To combat this crisis, it was crucial to raise public awareness and foster a sense of urgency among both local and international communities.


  • The primary objective of the social media campaign was to raise awareness of Jordan’s water crisis and generate public interest and engagement in finding sustainable solutions.
  • The campaign aimed to inform people about the severity of the crisis, the impact on communities, and the potential consequences if action was not taken promptly.


  • Compelling Visual Content: The campaign utilized eye-catching visuals, including infographics, photos, and videos, to convey the gravity of the water crisis. These visuals were designed to evoke an emotional response and encourage users to share them across their social networks.
  • Engaging Storytelling: The campaign shared stories of individuals and communities affected by the water crisis, highlighting the daily challenges they face. These stories were carefully crafted to create empathy and foster a deeper connection with the audience.
  • Collaboration with Influencers: The campaign partnered with social media influencers, both local and international, who had a genuine interest in social issues and a significant following. These influencers actively shared campaign content, helping to reach a broader audience and leverage their influence to spread the message.
  • User-Generated Content: The campaign encouraged users to share their experiences, thoughts, and ideas related to the water crisis using a campaign-specific hashtag. User-generated content was widely shared, allowing individuals to express their concerns and be part of a larger conversation.
  • Calls to Action: The campaign provided clear calls to action, encouraging users to support local NGOs working on water conservation projects, donate to relief efforts, and participate in community-led initiatives. This helped convert awareness into tangible actions and contributions.

Results and Impact

  • Reach and Engagement: The campaign reached millions of users across various social media platforms, with a high level of engagement through likes, comments, and shares. The hashtag associated with the campaign trended nationally and internationally, further amplifying its reach.
  • Increased Awareness: The campaign successfully raised awareness about Jordan’s water crisis, both within the country and globally. Many individuals who were previously unaware of the severity of the issue became educated and informed through the campaign’s content.
  • Policy and Government Action: The campaign caught the attention of policymakers, government officials, and international organizations. The increased awareness and public pressure resulted in policy discussions, allocation of resources, and the implementation of water management strategies.
  • Fundraising and Support: The campaign facilitated fundraising efforts for local NGOs working on water conservation projects in Jordan. Additionally, it garnered support from international organizations and individuals who donated to relief efforts and supported sustainable initiatives.
  • Community Empowerment: The campaign fostered a sense of community and collective responsibility among citizens, empowering them to take action at the grassroots level. Community-led initiatives, such as water conservation programs and awareness campaigns, gained momentum as a result.

Lessons Learned

  • Visual and Emotional Appeal: Compelling visual content and emotional storytelling are effective strategies for capturing the audience’s attention and creating a lasting impact.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers can significantly enhance the reach and impact of a campaign, leveraging their social influence to amplify the message.
  • User Engagement: Encouraging user-generated content fosters a sense of ownership and community participation, making individuals feel connected to the cause.
  • Clear Calls to Action: Providing specific actions for users to take helps convert awareness into tangible support and contributions.


  • By utilizing compelling visual content, engaging storytelling, influencer partnerships, and user-generated content, the campaign achieved significant reach, engagement, and impact.
  • It serves as a testament to the power of social media for driving social good and addressing critical societal challenges.

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