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“Patriarchy in India not only influences the condition of women in the county but has also conditioned them. Elucidate with examples

Q) “Patriarchy in India not only influences the condition of women in the county but has also conditioned them. Elucidate with examples (10 Marks, 150 words) 

भारत में पितृसत्ता केवल देश में महिलाओं की स्थिति को प्रभावित करती है बल्कि उन्हें (महिलाओं को) अनुकूलित भी करती है। इसे उदाहरण सहित स्पष्ट कीजिए।

Demand of the Question-The question demands understanding of patriarchy and its impact on society especially India.

Directive Word-Elucidate- This keyword requires elaborating the reasons along with examples.

Structure of the Answer

Intro– Define patriarchy with help of standard definition.

Body– In the first part, mention reasons how patriarchy influences the condition of women- this major includes changes in the external environment of women. Write examples for each reason. For the second part, mention reasons how patriarchy conditions them which majorly includes how internally a woman is changed. In a short section mention the challenges and the solutions and provisions made for woman empowerment.  Mention some schemes and their objectives with respect to both the aspects.

Conclusion- Conclude by stating what initiatives are taken up to uplift women in both the aspects. Mention GoI schemes.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 1- Social empowerment & Role of women and women’s organization.

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