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Of the various European nations, why and how did the British succeed in India? Elaborate

Q) “Of the various European nations, why and how did the British succeed in India? Elaborate (15 Marks, 250 words)

विभिन्न यूरोपीय राष्ट्रों में से ब्रिटिश भारत में क्यों और कैसे सफल हुए? विस्तृत उत्तर दीजिए। (15 अंक, 250 शब्द)”

Demand of the Question– The question demands basic understanding of ways and means used by the British to succeed, along with reasons why they used such methods. Along with this understanding of reasons why other European powers failed is also necessary.

Directive Word– Why and how- These keywords demand stating reasons along with explanation of the reasons. Elaborate – This keyword demands describing the points mentioned above.

Structure of the Answer

Intro– Start by giving a timeline and overview of the Indian subcontinent at the advent of Europeans.

Body– In the first section, mention important and watershed events that led to the success of Britishers over other Europeans. In the next section, mention the shortfalls and drawbacks of failure of other European nations, along with reasons and events. In the next section, mention the strengths of Britishers that other European nations lacked, and how they used these in various events to capture power. In the last section, discuss whether Britishers succeeded because of the failure of other European powers or strengths of their own.

Conclusion– Conclude by stating how the success of Britishers over their other European nations paved the way for conquering and consolidation of power in India.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper-1 Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present significant events, personalities, issues.

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