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Inventions and Discoveries List, Inventor Name, Years

Inventions and Discoveries

Inventions and discoveries have been crucial in shaping human civilization and advancing knowledge and technology. They range from simple tools and techniques to complex machines and systems that have transformed various aspects of life, such as transportation, communication, healthcare, and entertainment. They have been driven by human curiosity, ingenuity, and problem-solving skills, often leading to new industries, businesses, and job opportunities. 

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List of Inventions and Discoveries

Throughout history, there have been countless Inventions and Discoveries that have changed the course of human civilization. Here are some examples of the List of Inventions given below:

Important Inventions & Discoveries List for Government Exams
  • Wheel
  • Writing
  • Printing press
  • Gunpowder
  • Compass
  • Steam engine
  • Telephone
  • Light bulb
  • Automobile
  • Airplane
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Penicillin
  • Atomic bomb
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • Smartphone
  • CRISPR gene-editing technology
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Blockchain technology

List of Inventions 

Inventions have been instrumental in advancing human civilization, improving quality of life, and addressing complex challenges, by harnessing human creativity, innovation, and scientific knowledge.

S. No Invention Inventor Year of Invention
1 Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876
2 Radio Guglielmo Marconi 1895
3 Television Philo Farnsworth 1927
4 Refrigerator Jacob Perkins 1834
5 Automobile Karl Benz 1886
6 Airplane The Wright brothers (Orville and Wilbur Wright) 1903
7 Steam engine James Watt 1765
8 Penicillin Alexander Fleming 1928
9 Vaccines Edward Jenner 1796
10 MRI Raymond Damadian 1977
11 DNA James Watson and Francis Crick 1953
12 Genetic engineering Paul Berg 1972
13 Microscope Zacharias Janssen and Hans Janssen 1590
14 Telescope Hans Lippershey 1608
15 Mobile phones Martin Cooper 1973
16 Printing press Johannes Gutenberg 1440
17 Photography Joseph Nicéphore Niépce 1826
18 Film George Eastman 1888
19 Laser Theodore H. Maiman 1960
20 Transistor William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain 1947
21 GPS Roger L. Easton, Ivan A. Getting and Bradford Parkinson 1978
22 Atomic bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer and team 1945
23 Nuclear power Enrico Fermi and team 1942
24 Artificial heart Robert Jarvik 1982
25 Artificial intelligence John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon 1956
26 Virtual reality Ivan Sutherland 1968
27 Quantum mechanics Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger and others Early 20th century
28 Superconductivity Heike Kamerlingh Onnes 1911
29 Radar Robert Watson 1935
30 Microwave oven Percy Spencer 1945
31 Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876
32 Radio Guglielmo Marconi 1895
33 Television Philo Farnsworth 1927
34 Refrigerator Jacob Perkins 1834
35 Automobile Karl Benz 1886

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List of Discoveries

Discoveries have unlocked new knowledge and insights into the natural world, human behaviour, and the universe, by exploring, observing, and analyzing phenomena, and have led to new theories, technologies, and perspectives.

S. No Discovery Discoverer  Year of Discovery
1 The structure of DNA James Watson and Francis Crick 1953
2 Evolution by natural selection Charles Darwin 1859
3 The laws of thermodynamics Sadi Carnot, James Prescott Joule, Rudolf Clausius 1824-1865
4 The theory of relativity Albert Einstein 1905-1915
5 The periodic table Dmitri Mendeleev 1869
6 Plate tectonics Alfred Wegener 1912
7 The Big Bang theory Georges Lemaître 1927
8 Quantum mechanics Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac 1900-1930s
9 Higgs Boson Peter Higgs and François Englert 2012
10 Black holes John Michell and Albert Einstein 1783 and 1916, respectively
11 Exoplanets Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail 1992
12 Continental Drift Alfred Wegener 1912
13 The Electron J.J. Thomson 1897
14 Radioactivity Marie Curie, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel 1896-1898
15 The Neutron James Chadwick 1932
16 The Proton Ernest Rutherford 1917
17 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson 1965
18 Gravitational Waves LIGO Scientific Collaboration 2015
19 Ozone Hole Joe Farman, Brian Gardiner, and Jonathan Shanklin 1985
20 Greenhouse Effect Joseph Fourier, John Tyndall, and Svante Arrhenius 1824, 1861, and 1896, respectively
21 Dark Matter Fritz Zwicky 1933
22 Dark Energy Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt, and Adam G. Riess 1998
23 First Supermassive Black Hole Maarten Schmidt 1963
24 First Black Hole Merger LIGO Scientific Collaboration 2015
25 First Gravitational Lens J. H. Oort and F. Zwicky 1937

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What are the famous inventions and discoveries?

Famous inventions and discoveries include the light bulb, telephone, airplane, penicillin, and internet.

What are the 5 greatest inventions of all time?

The 5 greatest inventions of all time include the wheel, printing press, steam engine, electricity, and internet.

What is the Top 10 invention of the world?

The top 10 inventions of the world include the wheel, printing press, telephone, electricity, automobile, airplane, light bulb, computer, internet, and steam engine.

What are 5 new inventions?

5 new inventions include self-driving cars, 3D printing, CRISPR gene editing, drones, and virtual reality.

What was the first invention by a woman?

The first invention by a woman was the dishwasher, patented by Josephine Cochran in 1886.

Which invention is oldest?

The oldest known invention is the wheel, which dates back to around 3500 BCE.

What is the biggest invention in the world?

The biggest invention in the world is subjective, but some may argue it is the internet, which has revolutionized communication, information sharing, and commerce on a global scale.

About the Author

I, Sakshi Gupta, am a content writer to empower students aiming for UPSC, PSC, and other competitive exams. My objective is to provide clear, concise, and informative content that caters to your exam preparation needs. I strive to make my content not only informative but also engaging, keeping you motivated throughout your journey!