Home   »   Entitlement-Based District Planning (EBDP) in Bihar

Case Study of the Day: Entitlement-Based District Planning (EBDP) in Bihar

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EBDP is a unique initiative that institutionalises decentralised planning at the district level across Bihar through an entitlement-based approach to ensure inter-regional and social equity. Under EBDP, each district is allocated a certain amount of funding based on its population, area, and level of development. This funding is then used to implement a range of schemes and programmes that are designed to meet the needs of the local population.

Benefits of EBDP

  • Increased accuracy and efficiency in the planning process: EBDP ensures that each district receives the funding it is entitled to, which helps to ensure that resources are used in a more efficient and effective way.
  • Improved coordination between different levels of government: EBDP requires the participation of all levels of government, from the state government to the panchayats. This helps to ensure that there is a better coordination between different agencies and that resources are used more effectively.
  • Enhanced public participation: EBDP requires the participation of the local population in the planning process. This helps to ensure that the plans are more responsive to the needs of the people.
  • Reduced corruption: EBDP helps to reduce corruption by making the planning process more transparent and accountable.

Challenges of EBDP

  • Lack of capacity at the district level: The district governments in Bihar often lack the capacity to implement EBDP effectively. This is due to a number of factors, including low levels of literacy and training among government officials.
  • Lack of coordination between different agencies: EBDP requires the coordination of different agencies, both at the state and district levels. However, this coordination is often difficult to achieve, due to bureaucratic procedures and turf wars.
  • Lack of public participation: While EBDP requires the participation of the local population in the planning process, this participation is often limited. This is due to a number of factors, including illiteracy, poverty, and lack of awareness.

EBDP is a promising initiative that has the potential to improve the planning process in Bihar. However, the initiative faces a number of challenges like lack of capacity at the district level, lack of coordination between different agencies, and lack of public participation. Despite these challenges, EBDP is a valuable initiative that has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of the people of Bihar.

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