The Government of India Act 1935 was put into effect in the nation after receiving the Royal assent. A federal form of government was established for India by the Government of India Act, 1935.

Government of India Act 1935 Objectives

This law abolished the dyarchy established by the GOI Act 1919 and established the Federation of India, which would consist of the provinces of British India and part or all of the Princely states. The union, however, was never established since it lacked the necessary number of princely states.

Government of India Act 1935 Provision

1. All India Federation 2. Provincial Autonomy 3. Division of Subjects 4. Dyarchy at the Centre

Government of India Act 1935 Importance

The Government of India Act of 1935 divided the formerly concentrated power among the decentralised form of government and reduced it in the hands of the Central Government. Despite the fact that they had not demanded it, women’s advancement in the decision-making process benefited from having separate electorates.

Government of India Act 1935 Importance

Additionally, the qualities of the Government of India Act that were appropriate for a free India were taken into consideration when drafting the Indian Constitution. The Indian Constitution also adopted the requirement that every state have a governor who is chosen by the federal government.