National Pollution Control Day 2022

National Pollution Control Day 2022

National Pollution Control Day is observed every year on 2 December in India.

Aim of the Day

The main aim and objectives of celebrating National Pollution Prevention Day 2022 in India are to create awareness among people about the judicious use of industries to prevent uncalled-for industrial disasters.

Significance of the Day

The day is recognized to commemorate the precious lives that were lost in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, one of the greatest industrial disasters in the history of India and to avoid similar catastrophes.

Objectives of the Day

Spread awareness of managing and controlling industrial disasters, Prevent the pollution produced by industrial processes or human negligence and Make people/industries aware of the importance of pollution control acts.


The history of National Pollution Day in India dates back to the heart-wrenching Bhopal Gas Tragedy that happened on the night of 2 and 3 December 1984. That is why National Pollution Control Day is observed annually on 2 December.