Recent News  Muli Bamboo

Recent News  Muli Bamboo

A recent study observed and documented a wide range of animals, both visitors and predators, attracted to the fruit and flowers of Muli Bamboo (Melocanna baccifera).

About Muli Bamboo

About Muli Bamboo

Muli is a tropical evergreen species of bamboo. It is indigenous to the northeast India–Myanmar region and is the largest fruit-producing bamboo.

Characteristics of Muli Bamboo

Characteristics of Muli Bamboo

90% of the state's northeastern bamboo woods are made up of them. It is easily identifiable by its scattered clump behaviour. As an ornamental, the plant is also grown.

Mautam Phenomenon

Mautam Phenomenon

Mautam is a strange ecological occurrence associated with Muli Bamboo that occurs once every 48 years.



Mautam in Mizo means "Bamboo death" (mau means bamboo and tam means death).